How to clean up, organise and keep your closet clutter-free for the new year
As the new year approaches we all seem to want a fresh start. One of the easiest ways to start fresh is the classic wardrobe clear out. Here are 6 tips to clean up, organise and keep your closet clutter-free for the new year.
Step 1: Empty out your closet
Start by emptying everything out of your closet to properly see what clothes you actually own. This includes clothing, accessories, shoes, socks and underwear. Start in sections, one category at a time until everything is placed on a large surface area, preferably a table and not the floor as your items will get dirty.
Step 2: Decide what to keep and toss
If anything has holes in it or you haven't used it in a year, get rid of it. With this method, slowly work through your wardrobe and keep a conscious mind of what you´re keeping. Make sure you're not holding onto something you haven't used in years, chances are you´re not going to use it again. Your closet and clothes should inspire and excite you, making you want to get dressed in the morning. If they don´t, it´s time to get rid of them.
Step 3: Put everything back in your closet and out again
This may seem silly, but trust us on this one. Try putting everything you have decided to keep back in your closet and now take a good look at everything. How does what your closet is currently looking like make you feel? Do you feel inspired and excited? If any pieces of clothing is making you feel bad, either because you don´t wear it enough or can't fit it, toss it. Once you´re happy with how your closet is looking, take everything back out again and put it in piles divided by category.
Step 4: It´s time to actually toss it
You´re through the hardest part, congratulations! Now take the clothes, shoes, accessories, socks and underwear that you decided to toss and actually get rid of it. If you don't do it now, it's very likely it will somehow end back in your closet again. Go donate, give to a friend or recycle the clothing you´re getting rid of. You will feel a million times better afterwards.
Step 5: Reconsider your wardrobe storage
Are you storing your clothing in the best possible way? And are you satisfied with your current wardrobe storage solution? If not it's time to figure out what type of wardrobe you´re dreaming of. We've gathered a few different options for clothing storage in your home:
The half open-closet:
If you´re dreaming of an open closet but is lacking the space or not sure if you want all your clothing exposed this may be the solution for you. With the mini open closet, you get to show of your favorite items and keep the rest hidden. This is also perfect if you suffer from dust allergy.
L: RackBuddy Holly and RackBuddy Joey R: Rackbuddy Dalton, RackBuddy SEBASTIAN
The clothes rack
A clothes rack is a great way to story your clothes and keep an overview of your collection. This doesn´t have to mean you have to store all your clothing on the rack, you can store your favorite items and change them up every season.
Choose a clothes rack depending on the interior style of your home.
L: RackBuddy Jessie R: RackBuddy Sif, RackBuddy Jesper
The open wardrobe
If you´re ready to revamp your closet to an open wardrobe, we´ve got a few options for you. They´re a favorite amongst many of our customers and we get why. The clothes racks are all industrial-looking and are made from water pipes. There should be space for all your clothes, but if there isn´t you can always buy two and place them next to each other.
L: RackBuddy Wild Bill Elliot R: RackBuddy Cassidy, RackBuddy Silver Capone
Customize it
If you have an idea of what kind of wardrobe would suit your needs, we do make customized solutions. Send us a drawing with measurements and how you want it to look to and we will help make your wardrobe dreams come true.
L: Customized solution R: Customized solution, customized solution
Step 6: Organize and store
Now that you have sorted your clothes, tossed the ones you don´t need maybe and chosen your new wardrobe solution it´s time to store and organize. You can get creative with your storage, but let´s give you with some inspiration.
L: RackBuddy hangers R: RackBuddy Jolene, RackBuddy S-hooks
We wish you a happy new year If you´re dreaming of the perfect wardrobe you can see al of our collections here or get inspiration to create your own customized wardrobe. If you need any help send an email to